If you are a registered charitable organization serving Orillia and/or the surrounding area, you may be eligible for funding from The Community Foundation of Orillia and Area. The Foundation is accepting grant applications until 3:00 pm on Friday, October 6th, for the following endowment funds:
The Smart and Caring Communities Fund enables the Foundation to respond to areas of need within our community.
The Casino Rama Festive Fund, which was established by the CREW at Casino Rama to provide financial support to a charitable organization that will use the money to assist families in need during the winter festive season.
The Patti Cox Memorial Children’s Fund, which provides grants to charitable organizations for the purpose of assisting children and children’s activities in the Orillia area focused mainly on personal development of children where the benefits arising will last a lifetime.
The Patti Cox Memorial Seniors’ Fund, which provides grants to charitable organizations for the purpose of assisting seniors and seniors’ activities in the Orillia area that focus on improving levels of independence and self-sufficiency of seniors.
Guidelines and applications may be found on the Foundation’s website: https://www.communityfoundationorillia.ca/grant-application/. Applications should be submitted online. Applicants are encouraged to contact the office to discuss applications well before the deadline date by calling 705-325-4903 Ext 207 or emailing info@communityfoundationorillia.ca.
Grant-making Criteria: Funds may only be given to programs and organizations that are registered charities or other qualified donees as defined by CRA; that service the geographic area of the Foundation (Ramara Township, Chippewas of Rama First Nation, City of Orillia, Severn Township, and a portion of Oro-Medonte from Oro Station north, and west to Coldwater); and that are self-sustainable beyond the Foundation’s grant. Funding will not be provided for political parties or used for lobbying or other political activities and purposes.
For almost 25 years now, the Community Foundation of Orillia and Area has been providing grants to local charities that assist with providing much-needed services to the Orillia area. Just this past spring, over $54,000 was provided to 22 organizations for activities including:
- $4,500.00 to Gilda’s Club Muskoka for the creation of Mastectomy Kits of OSMH
- $4,000.00 to Hillcrest Lodge Centre for Low-income Tenant Meal Subsidy
- $1,000.00 to the Orillia Public Library for their Family Snack Program
This year, the CFOA will grant over $462,000 to local charities. If you are a local charity supporting our community, visit https://www.communityfoundationorillia.ca/grant-application/ for more information and to apply.