Bring it on 2024!

By: Jiun Liao

Happy new year everyone! We really appreciate everyone that submitted their suggestions for the magazine last month. We are really excited about the direction we are slowly taking the magazine through and will look to incorporate some of the feedback we saw. You guys have some great ideas!

We also hope your break was just what you needed to recharge your batteries and bring in a new year. Every year around December, it feels like there’s a big sigh of relief that finally leaves my body, and that allows me to finally relax and think about what to do next year. What goals I want to pursue, what challenges I might face. I get all pumped up every time I set a goal and just want the year to end so I can start pursuing it.

It’s a common thing that happens to everyone I think. It’s also very common that goals are quickly put on the backburner by the constant action of daily living. Whether it’s exercising or eating healthier, by the time a couple months roll around, most people have already forgotten to keep up the pace.

I see this with businesses fairly often as well, and it happens regularly enough that I’ve actually delved into the science behind goals to figure out the best way to go about it.

Now there’s a huge amount of research being done on this subject, and I won’t be able to fit everything I’ve uncovered. But I’ll leave you with some of the most interesting facts I’ve found that are actually hugely helpful.

The most interesting fact I realized is that there are two parts to a goal: how we define a goal, and how we pursue a goal. We want to define the goal properly, meaning are we trying to achieve something or are we trying to avoid something? Pursuing the goal however, has more to do with motivation.

It’s impossible to stay motivated all the time, but there are several strategies that can help maintain motivation enough that the goal you’re pursuing becomes a habit. Like pairing an unpleasant activity with a rewarding one, or shortening the time of the milestones. If you have an annual goal, consider setting weekly or biweekly milestones. That way, all you have to do is one little thing which makes it consistent and more likely to be achieved.

I personally really enjoy having goals. It gives me a journey I can expect. Whether it’s hard or I don’t reach the destination I plan, I get to figure out how to make the journey enjoyable, which makes life more fulfilling.